Graforce Hydro GmbH

Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-30 um 21.20.59

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Graforce Hydro GmbH is a company that has developed an innovative and cost effective technology to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The rapid expansion of renewable energies worldwide has led to a steep increase of fluctuating wind and solar energy in the power grids. In order to face these new challenges, power grid control must become much more flexible, energy transport systems must become more efficient, and above all, the storage of vast amounts of energy must be enabled. For this, hydrogen as a chemical energy store is the best candidate, especially when it can be generated in an energy-efficient manner.

The company’s patented technology represents a major step forward in bringing commercially viable hydrogen energy to the international electricity market and automobile industries. Graforce has developed variants of its technology that generates hydrogen at a price of €3/kg compared to currently €8/kg with a big efficiency advantage compared to hydrogen-generating processes of today. Graforce is worldwide the only company to have achieved this milestone.

We are looking for:

Wind power plant- and photovoltaic manufacturers, PV- and wind project planners, power plant operators and power2gas operators

Number of employees: 11-50 

Annual turnover: < 2 Mio. €


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